Each event is given its own unique web address we call a: public link. A public link is easy to share on all the various different communication channels including email, SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.

When the public link is clicked, visitors will be taken directly to the event and they will either be asked to register (if the event is closed) or browse through the available images and place their order online.


Public links are designed to be very short, so they are great for SMS. They will work correctly regardless of whether the event is open/closed, public or private. Public links shared in the past will continue to work even when you change your account's handle or switch to a different plan with or without a dedicated storefront.

Where to find it

An event's public link can be found by navigating to the "Events" section from the left menu, then from the list of your events, select the event in question, then look for the "Public Link" box containing the shortened web address.


Public links are available on all plans.